February 12, 2010

Greetings, and welcome to my world. Some of you knew me as Mogel and watched my sister and brothers as puppies grow until we were ready to leave our mother and join our new families. I have a new name and family and I would like to take this time to introduce you to my new family and let you know what I have been up to all this time. My new name is Joaquin meaning God will establish. I have a BIG sister and a BIG brother from another mother. Both my sister and brother are Akitas, my brothers name is Apollo and my sisters name is Xena, she still doesn't know if she likes me or not so I will give her all the time she needs.

My family also includes three cats, Katrina, Lucy and Athena. Katrina is the black cat, she is queen of this home, even the BIG dogs don't mess with her, she is 14 years old and has been with my family the longest, Lucy is the long haired and is one of the meanest cats I have ever met, she doesn't care for me too much and she lets me know it every time she sees me. Athena is a Bengal kitten, she joined the family on January 16th about 3 weeks after me. Athena and I have become very good buddies and we have a lot of fun running around the house.
In my new family, I have also been introduced to a ferret, his name is Ricky and I am not allowed to play with him because I am too rough.
When I need to go outside to take care of business, all I have to do it ring the bell on the door and that lets everyone know I need to go outside.
I have had a great time telling you about my family, there is still so much more, next time I will tell you what I do in my spare time and what I enjoy doing.
Take Care